June 22nd, 2016

13 Tips to Stay Focused & Productive This Summer 2016

staying focused

We at 10x Management get it, the struggle is real….schools are closing, the sun is shining, and everyone’s packing up their bags with selfie sticks and beach gear. Whether you’re a freelance software developer or a startup entrepreneur staying focused and productive while trying to work can be extremely difficult during the summer months.

Well don’t fret! Entrepreneur contributor author Lambeth Hochwald reached out to the experts including pro athletes, authors, happiness experts and entrepreneurs, to find out what they do to recharge. Read the full article for 13 Tips to Stay Motivated in the Dog Days of Summer and even cull out a few minutes to decompress. Below we’ve pulled some key tips from the article to stay inspired this summer.


If you liked this article, you might also enjoy reading 10 Tips for Conveying Confidence – Fake It Till You Make It.

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