January 26th, 2016

Can You See Your Company Through the Eyes of a Hacker?

cybersecurity hackers

Primera Blue Cross. Anthem. Sony Pictures. Target. JP Morgan Chase.

What do these businesses have in common? Each one has experienced a massive cyber-attack in recent years. “Attacks are growing more sophisticated and more damaging, targeting what companies value the most: their customer data, their intellectual property, and their reputations,” states Nathaniel Fick, CEO of Endgame in a recent article in Harvard Business Review.

It is time to view our companies from the vantage point of the hackers. There may be several reasons why someone may want to hack into your systems. Leadership and executive teams need a new approach, a new view of the landscape in order to stay ahead of cybersecurity. Penetration testing is a useful first step. 10x is lucky enough to represent one of the best penetration testing experts in the world.

To find out what you can do, check out the article, See Your Company Through the Eyes of a Hacker by Nathaniel C. Fick featured in Harvard Business Review.

And if you think your company needs a full penetration test, please contact us directly here.

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