Catch 10x co-founder, Michael Solomon on the Producing Innovation Podcast hosted by Michael Counts. Listen to Michael talk aboutContinue reading “Michael Solomon Featured On The Producing Innovation Podcast”

Catch 10x co-founder, Michael Solomon on the Producing Innovation Podcast hosted by Michael Counts. Listen to Michael talk aboutContinue reading “Michael Solomon Featured On The Producing Innovation Podcast”
By Rishon Blumberg, 10x Management & 10x Ascend Co-Founder We’ve always known that many employees don’t negotiate their jobContinue reading “Bespoke Negotiation In The Talent Economy”
By Michael Solomon, 10x Management Co-Founder Even though we have been in the talent management game for almost 25Continue reading “Is “AGENT” A Bad Word?”
Recently, 10x Management Co-Founder Michael Solomon joined host Robert Plank on his Marketer Of The Day podcast. Take aContinue reading “Michael Solomon Featured On Marketer Of The Day Podcast”
By Mark Thomasson, 10x Management Guest Writer Living in this day and age opens a wide number of unprecedentedContinue reading “Becoming a Digital Nomad – 5 Key Financial Considerations”
By Natasha Lane, 10x Management Guest Writer The success of any startup company is determined at the veryContinue reading “Building a Team: Tips for Tech Startups”
By Michael Solomon, 10x Management Co-Founder This article, originally from The New York Times, and the data within it areContinue reading “Faulty Facts: Why We Need To Think About The Future Of Work Now”
Interview between 10x Management Founders Michael Solomon & Rishon Blumberg and Technologist extraordinaire Bryan Bishop. You have an awesomeContinue reading “How To Hire Blockchain Developers”
By Eric Frisch, 10x Management Content Manager “Have you heard the new Bon Iver?” In 2008, that was a questionContinue reading “Top 10 Independent Tech Blogs:
How to Find A Unique Perspective on Technology”
By Michael Solomon, 10x Management Co-Founder As co-founder of the first tech talent agency, I’ve made a living negotiating dealsContinue reading “What Makes A Great Job For an Engineer?”
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