California: Land of lingo, nexus of neologisms, center of slang and soon-to-be hack-kneed expressions (see what I did there?), where the chronicallyContinue reading “TechCrunch’s “How to Speak Startup””
Category Archives: Blog
10x’ers Quoted in Mashable: Is Higher Ed Necessary?
If you want to be a great artist, you don’t need to go to school: practice and experience are what countContinue reading “10x’ers Quoted in Mashable: Is Higher Ed Necessary?”
Why Working At Night Boosts Productivity
We’ve been covering how controlling your environment can increase productivity. We’ve seen how companies are increasingly recognizing the value of allowing workers toContinue reading “Why Working At Night Boosts Productivity”
Why Fear is the (Company’s) Mind Killer
Although much has changed in how we work, the scary boss remains a cliché of modern work culture. But the fact is, fear diminishes mentalContinue reading “Why Fear is the (Company’s) Mind Killer”
Half of Americans Cut Back To Buy Tech Products
Is technology indispensable to modern life? Discussed in the video and article below, a CNBC survey concludes that “nearly half ofContinue reading “Half of Americans Cut Back To Buy Tech Products”
Powered by Happiness: Working from Wherevs
Major corporations like Best Buy, Blue Cross, Procter & Gamble and Marriott have discovered the truth all of our 10x’ers live by: workers perform best when theyContinue reading “Powered by Happiness: Working from Wherevs”
5 Strategies for Healthier Conflict Management
As a neuroscience undergraduate, I had a mentor who would ruthlessly question every idea that came out of my mouth. It humbledContinue reading “5 Strategies for Healthier Conflict Management”
No Time Like The Present To Get In On The Future
The Internet’s explosion over the past 30 years has left many feeling like they’ve missed out on its pioneering heyday, and that it’s too lateContinue reading “No Time Like The Present To Get In On The Future”
Nature Journal Articles Are Now Free
MacMillan Publishing, the publisher of Nature, one of the world’s most respected scientific journals, announced today: “All research papers from Nature will be made free to read inContinue reading “Nature Journal Articles Are Now Free”
Video | A Drone’s-Eye View of Chernobyl
A monument to catastrophic irresponsibility, the 1,000 mile “Chernobyl Exclusion Zone” has been wasting away, largely unseen for almost 30 years –Continue reading “Video | A Drone’s-Eye View of Chernobyl”