January 28th, 2015

Could Caffeine Be A “Silent Killer of Success”?

Maximizing creativity is the heart of 10x’s model for offering top tech talent. In our experience, the best way to promote that is by optimizing work-life balance for health and happiness. But, for those who haven’t found their perfect groove of work, rest and play, caffeine is an essential performance-enhacing drug. But how good is it really?

Performance expert Dr. Travis Bradbury (co-author of, Emotional Intelligence 2.0, and cofounder of TalentSmart) has written a compelling review of the scientific evidence on caffeine’s effects upon mind and body, and value towards improving performance in the workplace. The crux of his argument against consuming caffeine is how it affects emotional processing and thus influences the calm, rational decision-making that is essential to optimal performance.

Read the article here: Caffeine: The Silent Killer of Success.

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