March 20th, 2018

The Ethics Of Self-Driving Cars:
Can We Be Rational With New Technology?

By Michael Solomon, 10x Management Co-Founder 

Two days ago, a self-driving Uber SUV struck and killed a female pedestrian in Arizona. It is the first fatality involving a pedestrian and a fully autonomous vehicle. The accident is tragic and raises an important question: who’s to blame? When a human driver strikes a pedestrian, blame can usually be placed on one party or the other, or both. We’re used to those situations. But who’s to blame in this situation?

If we’re blaming self-driving technology for the death of this pedestrian, then it seems like a trivial place to stop:

I don’t mean to be insensitive, but technological progress happens all the time, and we’d be foolish to halt our progress because accidents happen. It’s concerning to me that Uber has stopped all autonomous vehicle testing because one pedestrian was killed. What if, because of those autonomous vehicles that were on the roads, lives were saved, because they are, in fact, safer/better than humans?

We need to have an honest conversation about technology and the ethical ramifications of its integration into society. If self-driving cars kill 100 pedestrians per year, and human drivers kill six thousand pedestrians per year in the United States (that’s a fact), then clearly self-driving cars are a net positive for humanity, even though they are not perfect.

We can’t play the blame game. If we did, then we are truly ALL responsible for this death because we all take part in and contribute to technological progress. If we lived in a world where everyone took 100% responsibility for their actions, we would live in a much more empowered world.

I understand that it feels like a grey zone; people don’t know how to react to an autonomous machine killing someone. Unlike a human driver, autonomous vehicles feel no guilt and have no concept that anything bad happened. When humans kill people, we have trials. When dogs kill people, we put them down. We have recourse, we know what to do. But this is new for us. And we don’t know how to react.

My advice in this situation is that we need to be rational. If self-driving cars kill 100 pedestrians per year but save five thousand pedestrians per year, then clearly they are beneficial for us. Let’s get away from our emotions, and away from our fears of autonomous machines. It’s simple logic – self-driving cars will save many more people than they will kill. They will not be perfect, but they don’t need to be perfect. They just have to be better than human drivers for us to adopt them into society. One pedestrian was killed by an autonomous vehicle on Sunday. 16 people were killed by human drivers today.

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