September 21st, 2017

Humans Need Not Apply Video

Outside of being tech talent agents, one main focus of 10x Management recently has been to bring awareness to what the future will hold when automation and AI take over jobs.  This video was the spark behind our initiative called The Day After Labor, where we aim to answer the following questions about the future.

Our objectives are to:

  1. Get people focused on the gravity of this.
  2. Get some viable solutions on the table. This is a selfish act because we don’t want to see and live through the aftermath of these changes and the civil unrest that we believe will ensue if this is left unplanned for. We believe wholeheartedly that this poses the biggest risk to peace. And we have kids and want them to have a chance at a good life.

The solutions which are needed are on two unrelated paths:

  1. In the absence of a job, how do people stay out of poverty?
  2. What do people do with their time, talent and energy in a post employment world? Bon Bons, TV and video games might sound good for a while but that will get quite old quite fast.

Please take a look at The Day After Labor website and sign our petition because we believe that we all need to be preparing for a jobless future now.


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