We’re thrilled to share New York City Council just passed bill 1017-A or better known as the Freelance Isn’t Free Act to protect freelancers from wage theft. The NY City Council Committee on Consumer Affairs announced on October 26, 2016 it unanimously passed the bill that will institute harsh penalties for employers who stiff freelancers or delay payment.
The bill, introduced by City Council member Brad Lander, will bring greater options—and protections—to the city’s freelancers. According to a study from the Freelancers Union, which has supported the bill, more than 70 percent of freelancers in New York report having dealt with payment issues. The study found an average rate of unpaid income approaching $6,000 annually.
The Freelance Isn’t Free Act legislation would provide for damages and the award of attorney’s fees to freelancers who bring successful litigation against employers who engage in a range of unlawful labor practices.
We think this is an excellent step in the right direction regarding the freelance movement. We hope other states will follow New York’s lead on this.
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