January 19th, 2015

RailsBridge Coding Workshops Promote Diversity in Tech

Started in SF in 2009, RailsBridge works to boost the low numbers of women and minorities in technology. The organization offers free and fun weekend workshops designed to make people of all backgrounds feel comfortable learning the popular Ruby on Rails platform. 

RailsBridge has since grown to offer its volunteer-led workshops all over the continent. Upcoming workshops can be found here. Individuals interested in helping out are invited to help teach, assist and organize workshops here. It’s a great way for experienced professionals to share their talent and find an enthusiastic community.

“We teach people to code because we believe that the people making technology should accurately reflect the diversity of those using it.

We want to push for all kinds of diversity in tech: gender, race, sexual orientation, ability, and class. Women were the first population we focused on, but aren’t the last.

RailsBridge is working to make tech more diverse and welcoming by teaching programming, connecting human beings, and listening to people’s needs. We organize and teach free workshops on Rails, Ruby, and HTML & CSS in cities all over the world, targeted at groups of people that are underrepresented in tech.”

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