David Aronson is a valued 10x client and an experienced software developer, user interface designer, and interactive sculptor. He believes that coding is a craft with tremendous depth that always provides the opportunity for interesting work. As an artist, he finds that coding informs and influences his artwork, often discovering new technologies through commercial work that he can apply to new pieces. He is also an avid mountain biking enthusiast, and as such, has graced 10x Magnified with his take on a new helmet designed to keep bikers safe on the road with technology. Steve Jobs famously called the computer “a bicycle for the mind,” and David shares his thoughts below on how to keep the biker and the biker’s mind safe.
The Lumos Helmet
By David Aronson, 10x Management Client
The most important aspect of riding a bike in city traffic is getting seen. I’ve been riding in first Boston and then New York for 27 years. In that time I’ve had two accidents with cars which sent me to the hospital. Both accidents were at night, the driver involved never saw me, my bike was unlit, and my helmet saved my life. Why was my bike unlit? Well, honestly, lights are a pain. You have to take them off the bike when you lock it, the batteries run out, or you forget to charge them, or someone steals them.
Ultimately, I think most bikes will come with onboard electrics and lighting as standard, possibly regulated features. A small hub generator/motor, lightweight battery and lights built into the frame, as with Citibike, will become common in a few years. Many bikes will have larger hub motors to assist riders in going farther faster. Imagine if most people who drive a half hour to and from work could make that same ride on a bike in 45 minutes. True, they would be spending an extra half hour commuting, but they’re also adding an extra hour and a half of exercise. With the decrease in congestion, their commute on the bike might be even less than the car.
For the time being, my bike doesn’t have built-in lights, nor do I want it to. I ride a fixie, one gear and no brakes. The less I can put on it the better. I have a pair of race blade fenders as a compromise with the weather, and lights that I take on and off and often forget.
One thing I never forget is my helmet. For these reasons, a helmet with integrated lighting appeals to me. The Lumos Helmet looks like just the ticket. The lights are built into the helmet. The back lights flash when you slow down. It even has a wireless remote turn signal. OK, the turn signal seems a bit much for me. But if I don’t like it, I don’t have to use it. If only I could program it to say “RESIST!” or “Dump Trump”. What’s important is that the drivers out there see me. It is a bit pricey though. At $179 it’s an expensive helmet. However, a pair of rechargeable lights can go for over $100. An extra $79 for a helmet sounds like a deal. I think I see a Lumos in my near future.
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