January 9th, 2017

Top 10 Tech Blogs & Publications
(For Your Inbox)


How To Stay Up To Speed On All Things Tech


By Michael Solomon, 10x Management Co-Founder

As someone who made the transition from the entertainment industry to tech in the last few years, I am often asked by others joining the gold rush, what are the best ways to keep up with the myriad of developments and news in the sector. Of course, it is hard to answer because there are so many sectors within technology (ed tech, ai, vr/ar/mr, med tech, fintech, insurance tech, health tech, mobile, transportation, ad tech, media tech etc). The list is endless. I have chosen to focus on the ones that I love which are slightly more general. Many of these I started reading before I was working in technology because I love what they cover, and others make me feel more like I know what is going on in the world around me. These are all outlets with free newsletters which land in your inbox.

Without further ado:

  1. MIT’s Technology Review – The Download  – I have been reading this one for a decade. It tells me all the things coming in the world of technology. It also gets into how new technology  works and what makes it go which is often above my pay grade but gotta love knowing the future.
  2. Wired – One of the originals. Lots of culture and snarkiness to surround technology and how it changes our world. Wired is to tech what Rolling Stone is to music.
  3. Fast Company – The business side of technology with bits and deep dives side by side.
  4. NY Times Bits – Speaking of bits, this content runs the gamut from lifestyle to business and how technology is shaping the world around us.
  5. MediaRedef – One of my favorites. Founded by a very old friend (Jason Hirschhorn), this curation platform really helps me weed out the wheat from the chaff.
  6. Futurism – Love getting this. A daily dose of how technology is shaping our world and the ways that people are using new technology to benefit humanity and the world.
  7. Business Insider – Not purely tech but a great place to get coverage overall.
  8. Gizmodo – Another one which covers a lot of ground. It is a sister publication to Lifehacker which is another favorite.
  9. Recode – A great source for independent tech news and reviews from opinionated journalists.
  10. TechCrunch – The Daily Crunch – Another bite size dose of what is happening in technology that matters and why.

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