The Best Approach to Agile Project Management

  Communication is typically one of the biggest problem-areas in any tech project. At 10x Management, we screen all ofContinue reading “The Best Approach to Agile Project Management”

Why You Want a Robot Co-Worker: Warehouse Robots Create Safe Workplaces

  This video does a great job explaining how robots are revolutionizing warehouses and making them a safer, more efficientContinue reading “Why You Want a Robot Co-Worker: Warehouse Robots Create Safe Workplaces”

How to Improve Your Daily Workflow When Working Remotely

By Adam Henshall, 10x Guest Writer Adam Henshall writes on organizational processes for Process Street and is a co-founder of theContinue reading “How to Improve Your Daily Workflow When Working Remotely”

The 5 Most Important Components of a Freelancing Contract

By Steve Wurzburg, 10x Guest Writer Our guest writer today, Steve Wurzburg, is a partner at Pillsbury Law. Steve is aContinue reading “The 5 Most Important Components of a Freelancing Contract”

Sixteen Years Ago Today, Apple Literally Reinvented the Wheel

By Eric Frisch, 10x Management Writer As of today, the iPod is officially old enough to drive, which seems appropriateContinue reading “Sixteen Years Ago Today, Apple Literally Reinvented the Wheel”

10 Quotes to Help You Live With Positivity

The power of positivity is strong and can actually help you achieve your goals.  A positive attitude can bring youContinue reading “10 Quotes to Help You Live With Positivity”

Meet The Robot That Can Valet Park Your Car

  Meet Stan, the robot that can valet park your car! You can now drop off your vehicle and StanContinue reading “Meet The Robot That Can Valet Park Your Car”

Why Remote Working is on the Rise: The Benefits of Remote Work

You may have noticed recently that remote working is on the rise, especially since more and more companies are hiringContinue reading “Why Remote Working is on the Rise: The Benefits of Remote Work”

Robots Are Coming for Your Job – VICE Feature

10x co-founder Michael Solomon was recently interviewed by VICE about how automation and machine learning are rapidly changing the businessContinue reading “Robots Are Coming for Your Job – VICE Feature”

Humans Need Not Apply Video

Outside of being tech talent agents, one main focus of 10x Management recently has been to bring awareness to whatContinue reading “Humans Need Not Apply Video”

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