The Best Tech Talent Are In The Command Economy

By Rishon Blumberg, 10x Management Co-Founder With a third of the American workforce identifying as freelancers (sometimes referred to asContinue reading “The Best Tech Talent Are In The Command Economy”

The Keys to Finding the Right Tech Talent

By Rishon Blumberg, 10x Management Co-Founder Although the job market is full of eager applicants, we are still in anContinue reading “The Keys to Finding the Right Tech Talent”

Bill Gates Foresees Countless Jobs Lost to Automation

By Eric Frisch, 10x Management Writer We’ve already heard the warnings from Jack Ma, but now Bill Gates has jumpedContinue reading “Bill Gates Foresees Countless Jobs Lost to Automation”

What You Need to Know About the Freelance Isn’t Free Act

By Eric Frisch, 10x Management Writer As representatives of the greatest freelance tech talent in the world, 10x Management isContinue reading “What You Need to Know About the Freelance Isn’t Free Act”

The Best Remote Working Apps for Teams & Time Tracking

By Eric Frisch, 10x Management Writer There are a lot of benefits to working remotely both for workers and forContinue reading “The Best Remote Working Apps for Teams & Time Tracking”

The Costs of Freelancers vs. Full-Time Employees

By Michael Solomon, 10x Management Co-Founder We received great feedback about the first article in this series we published, soContinue reading “The Costs of Freelancers vs. Full-Time Employees”

How to Communicate with Freelance Talent

By Michael Solomon, 10x Management Co-Founder We all know communication is central to the success of any relationship. So why,Continue reading “How to Communicate with Freelance Talent”

How Did People Waste Time At Work Before the Internet?

By Eric Frisch, 10x Management Writer On average, people spend close to an hour a day on non-work activities whileContinue reading “How Did People Waste Time At Work Before the Internet?”

An Entirely Automated Hotel? Yep, That Exists

By Eric Frisch, 10x Management Writer We’ve all been to a hotel and had an unpleasant experience: You get toContinue reading “An Entirely Automated Hotel? Yep, That Exists”

Alibaba Founder Sees Automation Upending Economy

By Eric Frisch, 10x Management Writer You know the situation is serious when Alibaba founder and executive chairman Jack MaContinue reading “Alibaba Founder Sees Automation Upending Economy”

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