Whether you’re a coder, app designer, or teacher you may be one of those highly creative people, who are notContinue reading “16 Signs You Are Highly Creative, And Didn’t Even Know It”

Whether you’re a coder, app designer, or teacher you may be one of those highly creative people, who are notContinue reading “16 Signs You Are Highly Creative, And Didn’t Even Know It”
By Rishon Blumberg & Michael Solomon, Co-Founders of 10x Management & Brick Wall Management Seth Godin recently re-published aContinue reading “A Response To Seth Godin’s The Freelancer And The Entrepreneur”
Yes….It’s time to embrace the persuasive skills of a salesperson in order to get better at convincing others the valueContinue reading “How To Sell Your Ideas Like A Jedi Master”
By Rishon Blumberg, 10x Management Co-Founder Anytime a strategic freelancer starts working on a project for one of their clients,Continue reading “The Best Freelancers Use 4 Strategies To Protect Themselves”
While brainstorming sessions can be useful, more often then not brainstorming is notorious for being unstructured and often not actionable.Continue reading “3 Easy Steps To Brainstorm Like A Googler”
At 10x Management we understand working remotely or telecommuting can be tricky sometimes. To help ensure that you’re on theContinue reading “14 Habits of Productive Remote Workers”
By Michael Solomon, 10x Management Co-Founder & Edward Sullivan Giving negative feedback to your boss is a delicate art. WeContinue reading “How to Give Negative Feedback to Your Boss”
These startups are gearing up to claim a new tech frontier: your emotions. Computers are learning to read emotion andContinue reading “Get Ready! These Startups Will Soon Be Tracking Your Emotions”
By Michael Solomon, 10x Management Co-Founder You’ve heard it before: it’s not what you know, but whom you know. But…youContinue reading “Networking for Introverts – 7 Simple Steps”
We at 10x Management get it, the struggle is real….schools are closing, the sun is shining, and everyone’s packing upContinue reading “13 Tips to Stay Focused & Productive This Summer 2016
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