The Innovator’s DNA: You can cultivate it with 5 skills

“Innovative entrepreneurship is not a genetic predisposition, it is an active endeavor,” states The Innovator’s DNA authors Jeffrey Dyer, Hal Gregersen,Continue reading “The Innovator’s DNA: You can cultivate it with 5 skills”

Does Your Business Inspire Leaders
to Build a Culture of Mentorship?

This week on 10x Magnified Blog we’re focused on a ‘leadership’ theme. Melissa Hughes, Ph.D, wrote an excellent article called,Continue reading “Does Your Business Inspire Leaders
to Build a Culture of Mentorship?”

Leading Teams: You Can Deliver Bad News To Your Team Without Crushing Them

By Michael Solomon [Also on Medium] Our job and the job of our tech consultants that we contract out toContinue reading “Leading Teams: You Can Deliver Bad News To Your Team Without Crushing Them”

Large Companies Increasingly Hiring Skilled Freelancers – Beyond the Office Walls

Freelancing is the new normal – and we have the numbers to prove it. More than 53 million Americans areContinue reading “Large Companies Increasingly Hiring Skilled Freelancers – Beyond the Office Walls”

8 Trends in Tech Changing How We Work in 2016

The workforce of the future is here today, is your business ready? Today’s workforce values the flexibility to work anytime,Continue reading “8 Trends in Tech Changing How We Work in 2016”

Creative Habits: 18 Things Highly Creative People Do Differently

“As scientists now understand it, creativity is far more complex than the right-left brain distinction would have us think (theContinue reading “Creative Habits: 18 Things Highly Creative People Do Differently”

Q&A Interview with 10xer: David Aronson

Meet 10xer technologist David Aronson. David is a freelance software developer and user interface designer. We sat down with himContinue reading “Q&A Interview with 10xer: David Aronson”

Tech + Art: 72 Must See Interactive Art Installations

We’re continuing with our theme of ‘Technology & Art’ this week on 10x Magnified Blog. Over the past several yearsContinue reading “Tech + Art: 72 Must See Interactive Art Installations”

“No, I’m not coming to your F***ing Meeting”

By Michael Solomon, 10x Management Co-Founder [Also on Medium] Over the last 4 years working closely with some of theContinue reading ““No, I’m not coming to your F***ing Meeting””

When Art, Culture, Creativity & Tech Merge: trends for 2016

This week on 10x Magnified Blog our theme is art and technology. The merger of the two worlds has takenContinue reading “When Art, Culture, Creativity & Tech Merge: trends for 2016”

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