A Map Of The World’s Undersea Internet Cables

An incredibly vast and complicated undersea network of fiber optic cables routes 99% of the world’s internet communications.

The Migration Patterns Of Creative And Educated Workers

Technology is remapping our population. Richard Florida, editor of The Atlantic’s CityLab, has extensively researched the changing distribution of workers across America: “There have beenContinue reading “The Migration Patterns Of Creative And Educated Workers”

Map Of The Most Common Job Per State From 1978-2014

Using census data, NPR has created an interactive map depicting the most common job in each state over the past 36 years. ItContinue reading “Map Of The Most Common Job Per State From 1978-2014”

Why Mastering Creative Consistency Is Vital For Tech Professionals

Solving hard problems in technology requires exceptional insight and ingenuity. But while an employee’s creative potential is highly valuable to an employer, equally important isContinue reading “Why Mastering Creative Consistency Is Vital For Tech Professionals”

An Overview Of The Coming AI Revolution

By most estimates, intelligent, autonomous machines will appear within 30 years. Will they deliver or destroy us? Experts like Elon Musk and Stephen HawkingContinue reading “An Overview Of The Coming AI Revolution”

Debate Over The “1099 Economy” Reaches Court

Startups like Uber and others avoid employee overhead by defining their businesses as “technology platforms” and workers as “independent contractors”. NY Magazine summarized theContinue reading “Debate Over The “1099 Economy” Reaches Court”

“Holographic Computing” With Microsoft’s HoloLens

I’m late in posting this, but if you haven’t yet watched the video for Microsoft’s HoloLens virtual reality system, here’s the link.Continue reading ““Holographic Computing” With Microsoft’s HoloLens”

Which Of The 4 “Sleep Chronotypes” Are You?

Not everyone’s bodies operate on the same clock, which is why forcing people to work standardized, 9-5, work schedules is counter-productive. People haveContinue reading “Which Of The 4 “Sleep Chronotypes” Are You?”

The Internet Archive Is The Web’s Library

A year after launching in 1998, Google’s mission statement was “to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful.” AContinue reading “The Internet Archive Is The Web’s Library”

Could Caffeine Be A “Silent Killer of Success”?

Maximizing creativity is the heart of 10x’s model for offering top tech talent. In our experience, the best way to promote that is byContinue reading “Could Caffeine Be A “Silent Killer of Success”?”

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