By Edward Sullivan, 10x Contributor There’s nothing quite like getting in your groove and jamming on a project. It feelsContinue reading “Fool Proof Your Flow –
6 Ways to Keep from Getting Interrupted at Work”

By Edward Sullivan, 10x Contributor There’s nothing quite like getting in your groove and jamming on a project. It feelsContinue reading “Fool Proof Your Flow –
6 Ways to Keep from Getting Interrupted at Work”
We’re thrilled to share New York City Council just passed bill 1017-A or better known as the Freelance Isn’tContinue reading “Just Announced, NYC Passes First Freelancer
Wage Theft Protections – Freelance Isn’t Free Act”
There are some phrases or words smart people avoid saying at work or when collaborating with others. Even if theContinue reading “The Top “Phrases” Smart People
Avoid Saying At Work”
By Edward Sullivan, Contributor & Founder of LeadWell [Originally published on Medium] Leadership Advice For CEOs or CTOs with aContinue reading “7 Must Have Soft Skills
Every Technical CEO & CTO Needs”
By Edward Sullivan, Contributor Most everyone dislikes email, but it’s still the preferred method of communication for 90% of workplaces.Continue reading “How To Write Actionable Emails At Work”
In the working world, public speaking is a crucial skill to have. It allows us to motivate change, influence decisions,Continue reading “6 Tips To Crush Your Fear of Public Speaking –
or at least quiet it down”
By Rishon Blumberg, Founder of 10x Management A Google search for the phrase “Bad Tech Recruiters” returns over 590,000 results!Continue reading “Bad Tech Recruiters –
4 Tips To Help Turn Your Reputation Around”
Are you a founder of a new startup or an entrepreneur looking for VC funding? According to CB Insights’ GlobalContinue reading “5 Tips From VCs’ For Passing A Due Diligence Inquiry –
Listen Startups!”
By Michael Solomon, Co-Founder of 10x Management “Once we believe in ourselves, we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight, orContinue reading “8 Tips For Building Self-Confidence”
Let’s face it, in today’s world we make multiple decisions on a daily basis whether it’s work-related or personal. ThereContinue reading “3 Mental Shortcuts To Influence Other People’s Decisions
(Not Manipulate)”
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