Whose Job Is It To Manage Freelancers

  Check out the article featured in Harvard Business Review, Whose Job Is It To Manage Freelancers, co-written by ourContinue reading “Whose Job Is It To Manage Freelancers”

Freelancer Tools & Apps: Coworking in NYC using Croissant App

“I’ve worked from several coworking spaces but I’ve never stayed too long. After a few weeks or months at aContinue reading “Freelancer Tools & Apps: Coworking in NYC using Croissant App”

21 Amazing Women Disrupting Tech

Yesterday was International Women’s Day. The theme this year is “Pledge For Parity,” meaning pledging to take action toward achievingContinue reading “21 Amazing Women Disrupting Tech”

In Response to “Engineers Should Be Taught To Fight” – The Emperor Writes Bad Code

By Michael Solomon, 10x Management Co-Founder [Also on Medium] We all know the children’s story “The Emperor Wears No Clothes.”Continue reading “In Response to “Engineers Should Be Taught To Fight” – The Emperor Writes Bad Code”

4 Steps to Brain Fitness: Use It and Get More of It

This week our 10x Magnified Blog is focused on Wellness. Most of us already understand the value of physical fitnessContinue reading “4 Steps to Brain Fitness: Use It and Get More of It”

Wellness: 12 Work Hacks To Keep You Sharp Throughout the Day

Whether you work in an office, from home or in a coworking space, remaining sharp and focused throughout the dayContinue reading “Wellness: 12 Work Hacks To Keep You Sharp Throughout the Day”

Big Data: 7 Golden Rules to Data Driven Transformation

Big data and analytics have climbed to the top of the agenda for many companies. Together when paired with theContinue reading “Big Data: 7 Golden Rules to Data Driven Transformation”

8 Mental Habits Successful Leaders Learn to Break

Sometimes, it’s not what you learn, but what you unlearn that matters. Mental habits are not easy to break. ThatContinue reading “8 Mental Habits Successful Leaders Learn to Break”

Q&A Interview with 10xer: Greg Sadetsky

Meet 10xer technologist, Greg Sadetsky. In January 2016 during his spare time, he developed a Google Chrome extension for dictatingContinue reading “Q&A Interview with 10xer: Greg Sadetsky”

Cryptocurrency Explained

Some of us have a good understanding of exactly what cryptocurrency is and others of us, not so much. InContinue reading “Cryptocurrency Explained”

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