Sales is an essential part of business. To close a deal and earn repeat business, you have to constantlyContinue reading “9 Common Misconceptions About Sales”

Sales is an essential part of business. To close a deal and earn repeat business, you have to constantlyContinue reading “9 Common Misconceptions About Sales”
At 10x Management, we’re always stressing the importance of positive communication. As part of our ongoing series entitled “With AContinue reading “Top 10 Principles of Effective Leadership Communication”
How To Stay Up To Speed On All Things Tech By Michael Solomon, 10x Management Co-Founder As someoneContinue reading “Top 10 Tech Blogs & Publications
(For Your Inbox)”
As part of our ongoing series entitled “With A Little Help from Ving,” we look to the Ving blog toContinue reading “3 Ways Technology and Learning Styles are Connected”
Leave it to the tech world to solve the language barrier. Just when you thought technology couldn’t get anyContinue reading “This Translation Device is Changing the Game”
We are pleased to say that one of our 10x clients was heavily involved in the development of Ving, anContinue reading “Why Millennials Want You to Deliver Timely Training”
By Michael Solomon, 10x Management Co-Founder Here’s the brief! A great estimate will: Break down larger tasks into smaller, manageable,Continue reading “5 Tips for Getting Great Estimates from Tech Freelancers”
By Michael Solomon, 10x Management Co-Founder Last week, we published a detailed article explaining the benefits of remote work forContinue reading “The Advantages of Remote Work –
From the Perspective of Workers”
By Michael Solomon, 10x Management Co-Founder As the founder of 10x Management, the world’s first tech talent agency, I amContinue reading “The Advantages of Remote Work for Businesses”
Many of us know what it’s like to work for a good boss. Good bosses know when to delegate,Continue reading “6 Things Good Bosses Emphasize to Their Teams
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