It’s no surprise business will change radically in the next 20 to 30 years due to modern technology innovation. ReadContinue reading “6 Modern Technology Innovations for Companies to Watch”

It’s no surprise business will change radically in the next 20 to 30 years due to modern technology innovation. ReadContinue reading “6 Modern Technology Innovations for Companies to Watch”
By Michael Solomon, 10x Management Co-Founder [Also on Medium] If you are looking to hire top notch attorneys for $100/hour,Continue reading “The Myth of The Tech Talent Shortage”
This week at 10x Magnified Blog we’re focusing on innovation and emerging technologies. To kick things off, here’s an articleContinue reading “Mixing Biology & Technology:
Graphene based Brain Electrode”
By Michael Solomon, 10x Management Co-Founder “How do you get so much done?” That is a sentiment I have heardContinue reading “Time Management”
Startup CEOs not only need to build a company from the ground up but also manage a team. This oftenContinue reading “22 Entrepreneurs Share Their Top Productivity Hacks”
By Michael Solomon, 10x Management Founder [Also on Medium] I get to work with some of the smartest people inContinue reading “Go With the Flow: Help Your Engineers Get into Flow for Higher Productivity”
This week on 10x Magnified blog we’re focusing on work productivity. Stay tuned for an upcoming original post from ourContinue reading “Productivity Tips: Ways to Increase Productivity When Working From Home”
Security threats like ghostware, two-faced malware, headless worms, zombie botnets, machine-to-machine attacks: provoke a level of fear that seems fittingContinue reading “The Biggest Security Threats Companies Could Face in 2016”
Primera Blue Cross. Anthem. Sony Pictures. Target. JP Morgan Chase. What do these businesses have in common? Each one hasContinue reading “Can You See Your Company Through the Eyes of a Hacker?”
If you thought 2015 was filled with digital media disruption, hold onto your seat because it looks like 2016 will be anContinue reading “Hello 2016, Meet Digital Media Disruption 2.0”
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